Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Salt Lake Tribune Article on March 1, 2010

The Salt Lake Tribune ran a story about the Tooele power line fight in its March 1, 2010, edition. If you would like to read the full story, here is the link:

The article quotes Dave Eskelson stating that "The main reason for this alignment is for the general growth of electrical service to Salt Lake and Tooele counties." This would lead one to believe that Tooele is getting power from these proposed lines which is FAR FROM THE TRUTH. The proposed transmission lines are not for power to Tooele, and the power on the lines is so "hot" that it could not be used here until another substation was constructed to "step-down" the voltage for consumer use.

The transmission lines are more like a freeway for the electricity, with no exits. The lines will only take the power in to Salt Lake County for use and the power will not be available here. Tooele County is being asked to bear all of the negative aspects of the proposed lines without any of the benefits in Rocky Mountain Power's proposal. The route proposed by the local governments and the citizen groups places the lines in a place where they could potentially provide power to areas in the county at some time in the future. The proposed lines cannot.

The article does point out that Commissioner Clegg had not heard anyone for RMP's proposal. She also stated, "I've never seen unification like this. It's unprecedented." Kudos to the Tooele County governments and citizens for unifying their voices to encourage responsible alignment of power lines in the County!

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