Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lessons Learned (and some relearned) From This Journey

1. Desperate people resort to desperate measures to keep their jobs. I watched the RMP employees wriggle like fish on a hook while blatantly lying to the Utility Review Board trying to get their employer’s plans approved. I wonder how they sleep at night?

2. Monopolies are NEVER GOOD in any market segment be it utilities, banks, retail, etc.

3. People can be bought...and some come cheap (you know who you are)! Where are ethics and conscience? There are many, too many, who are missing both from their lives!

4. RMP has static routes and variable design criteria. Whatever fits the situation or route they wish to pursue is what is given as the criteria. They also have variable cost analysis used in the same fashion.

5. Public Hearings are a major part of many governmental processes which is a good thing. The voice of the people should be heard. What bothers me is that the concerns are not LISTENED TO and adequately addressed in many instances.

6. People can come together for a united cause. Great job Brad and Kaye in leading this effort!

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